Thomas Kail featured in Vogue

Congrats to my friend Tommy Kail for the in-depth feature in the current Vogue Magazine on his myriad theatrical accomplishments and projects. And I’m thrilled to see “We Were the Lucky Ones” included in his news, below.

Among Kail’s strengths as a director, his greatest, Miranda says, may be that “he always makes sure that we bet on ourselves.” Clearly, Kail’s bets have been paying off (and, looking ahead, he has optioned his friend Georgia Hunter’s best-selling Holocaust novel We Were the Lucky Ones as a limited TV series). “I’m a populist—I want to make things that lots of people can have access to,” Kail says. “But I don’t ever think about what’s going to sell. I have a good instinct about what I think deserves to be seen, so—whether it’s a play for a hundred people or a TV show for potentially millions—all I can do is trust that instinct, do my homework, and let the chips fall where they may.”   –Vogue Magazine