Publishers Weekly gave “One Good Thing” a thumbs up, calling it “a stirring novel of bravery and sacrifice in WWII Italy.” The PW Picks review concludes that “fans of Hunter’s previous book and the miniseries based on it will be pleased.” Full review here.
9 Down, 1 to Go: Highlights from the Book Tour
An Author Panel, a Trade Review, and Sentiments from Israel
We Were the Lucky Ones Picks Up Momentum, at Home and Abroad
Retracing the Kurc Family Odyssey, Part II: Italy
Take Three: a Revision, a Shoot, and a Reading
Tracing the Family’s Footsteps: a 1,100-Kilometer Quest
Digging My Way to the Finish Line
"The Night Eight KGB Agents Burst Into My Flat"
Underground in Miami
Would You Entrust Your Child to a Stranger if it Meant You Could Save Her Life?